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Monday, May 3, 2010



The consequences of being named or investigated in a sex crime can be devastating, even if charges and a conviction never result. The social stigma and professional limitations that accompany sexual crimes can permanently affect your family, position in the community, and income.

Attorney Chandler helps clients who are under suspicion or have been charged with Florida sex crime, including:

Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Computer / Child Pornography Possession
Lewd and Lascivious Behavior
Indecent Behavior

In talking to the authorities without an attorney, a person risks:

1. Giving an incorrect answer due to an honest lapse of memory

2. Miscommunication resulting from either the person's or officer's misunderstanding of the questions or answers.

3. Intentional misrepresentation of the person's statement by the officer.

Any one of these events may adversely affect the person under investigation by increasing the likelihood of authorities filing criminal charges and obtaining an indictment. Serious crimes, including sex crimes, involve a bad intent on the part of the defendant. One of the major ways the prosecution proves bad intent is through statements given during interviews which are claimed to be admissions or lies.

Sex Offenses - An Overview

Sex offenses include a myriad of criminal sexual behaviors, ranging from prostitution to rape. If you or one of your family members is facing a sex-offense charge, it is very important to obtain the legal representation of an experienced criminal defense attorney. The penalties for a sex offense conviction can be serious and life-changing, but many defenses are available.

What Is A Sex Offense?

Sex offenses include all forms of illegal sexual activity, ranging from the crime of rape, usually defined as sexual penetration without consent, to the crime of prostitution, usually defined as sex for hire. The most serious crimes involve the sexual assault of children or include physical injury. Other sex offenses include public indecency, voyeurism, prostitution, solicitation, pornography, date rape, lewd acts, pandering, pimping, statutory rape and unlawful sodomy.

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